progres monograph Toegoe

I have been asked questions about the progress of the Monograph Toegoe/Tugu. I understand very well that you are eagerly awaiting the answer. Unfortunately, I cannot take away your tension, because I am not aware of the recent developments of the book. I am no longer an active member of the group. I did offer the group to act as a sounding board. I have been informed that the book presentation planned for March 30 has been cancelled. Do you want to know when the book will (possibly) be released? Please contact Ralph Ravestijn (06) 53 45 34 25/ Or with Ernst Cornelies +31 6 17 46 85 26/
I wish the group the best of luck with the final steps.

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who have contributed to the project in any way for their efforts to bring the project to a successful conclusion.
I bow deeply to the descendants of the following ancestors: Abrahams, Andries, Bacas, Balelang, Braune, Burkens, Cornelies/Cornelis, Corua Formes, Junus, Kaihatu, Kantil, Koenoe/Kunu, Lauw Latumanuwij, Leiwakabessy Lewerissa, Loen, Loupatty, Manusama, Mega Tadoe, Michiels, Oey, Pendjol, Pinontoan, Quiko, Rame Bunga, Robijn, Salomons, Sepang, Seymons, Sinubu, Sopaheluwakan, Sopacua, Soumokil, Thenu, Tomasouw, Wenur, Wetzel & Yunus.

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